EORI number is a unique number, used in the European Union since 1st of July 2009, being assigned by the Customs Authorities in order to be used in any customs operation carried out on EU territory.
According to customs.ro, the EORI number has a different structure from country to country, consisting of the identifier of the member country that assigned the number (the 2 alphabetic characters representing the country code), followed by a unique national identifier of the member country up to 15 alphanumeric characters).
Example: an EORI code issued by Romania can be RO1234567890ABCDE, where RO represents the country code and 1234567890ABCDE represents the code granted by the customs authorities.
In our country, in the case of legal entities, the identifier is the unique registration code, also called CUI. Depending on the type of person (individual or company), EORI number can have the following configurations:
- for individuals established in Romania: RO + CNP
- for individuals established in a third country: RO + country code of the third country + identification number assigned by the customs institutions of that third state.
- for legal entities based in RO: RO + CUI
- for legal entities established in another third country: RO + third country country code + identification number assigned by the customs institutions of that third country
- for associations of entities based in Romania: RO + CUI
- for associations of entities established in a third country: RO + country code + identification number assigned by the customs institutions of that third country
For UK operators, the EORI number will have the structure: GB0123456789000, and for French operators that are in the SIRENE database, the EORI number will consist of the FR country code followed by the SIRET number. For operators with a different SIRET number, the EORI number will consist of the FR country code and the number assigned by the French customs authorities. For Belgium, where the EORI number is based on the VAT number, the country ISO code is accompanied by a 10-digit number (eg BE 1573845630).
The EORI number in the Netherlands contains the following: the country code (NL for the Netherlands) and the unique code created for each Dutch company, which is represented by the company’s tax code. If the company’s tax code consists of less than 9 numbers, the EORI number will start with one or two zeros. Under Dutch law, a Dutch EORI number should follow the following sequence: NL + 9 digits.
To find out everything you need to know about the EORI code, you can call 0754 474 556 and if you need assistance in obtaining the code quickly and without complications, you can fill in our form or send us the necessary documents – registration certificate from ONRC, the registration certificate for VAT purposes (where applicable) and the articles of incorporation, respectively the identity card for individuals – at generare@cod-eori.ro.