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What is an EORI code

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What is an EORI code? The EORI code is a unique registration and identification number in the European Union, introduced on 1 July 2009.

Customs authorities assign an EORI code to individuals and legal entities. They will use it for all customs operations carried out on the territory of the European Union.

The purpose of introducing an EORI code is to assign a registration and identification number to each individual or company to serve as their common reference in their relations with customs authorities throughout the Union.

The persons required to apply for an EORI code are entities who introduce or remove goods into and out of the European Union.

Apply now for an EORI code (click here)

What does an EORI code look like?

The structure of an EORI code established by the European Commission consists of an identifier of the Member State assigning the number (in the case of Romania – RO), followed by a unique national identifier of the Member State.

In Romania, it has been established that the unique national number used in the structure of an EORI code, in the case of legal entities, should be the unique identification code (CUI).

For individuals, the national identifier is the personal numeric code.

Therefore, the form of an EORI code is:

  • for organisations: RO + CUI;
  • for individuals: RO + CNP;

The document issued by the Customs Directorate is called “EORI number assignment notification” and it is a document that is issued in electronic format.

When should an EORI code be updated?

Entities who have obtained an EORI code have the obligation to notify the Regional Customs Directorate when changes occur in any of the data contained in the application and in the documents attached to it.

More specifically, it is about:

  • Change of registered office address / domicile address;
  • Changing the name of the company / name of the individual;
  • Changing the form of organization (SRL, SRL-D, PFA, II, Association);
  • Change of the main CAEN code.

This update must be performed whenever changes occur in the data entered in the EORI code assignment request. The existence of incorrect or incomplete data may lead to the impossibility of carrying out customs clearance formalities.

Request an EORI code update now (click here)


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