Do you have a company that imports goods from outside the EU? In order to avoid blocking the goods at customs and to be able to pay customs duties without any problems, you must obtain an EORI code. Do not forget that blocking the goods in customs not only makes it impossible to sell them, but also involves additional storage costs. But what is this EORI code and what is the procedure for obtaining it?
But what exactly is this EORI code and how can you get it?
Introduced on 1 July 2009 and regulated by Regulation (EU) no. 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013 establishing the European Union Customs Code, the EORI code is a unique number in the European Union that can be used as a common reference in relations with customs authorities, but also for the exchange of information between the customs authorities and other authorities designated by the Member States.
Any entity carrying out import, export, transit, storage, representation activities is required to request an EORI number.
Where is an EORI code required?
Interested persons should apply for the EORI code to be assigned by the authorities of the Member State in which they reside.
If an economic operator is not established in the customs territory of the EU and does not have an EORI code, he must apply to the designated authority of the Member State in which he is operating for the first time as a carrier for the purpose of maritime transport, river or air or if the person / legal entity concerned submits for the first time a customs declaration, exit or entry, or temporary storage in the customs territory of the Union.
How to get EORI code
To obtain an EORI code, you can apply for registration with the General Directorate of Customs. After checking the file, you will receive a notification of assignment of the EORI number from the regional customs directorates / customs offices.
If you are in a hurry and do not want to complicate matters, you can easily obtain an EORI code by sending us the necessary documents – the registration certificate from the National Trade Register Office, the registration certificate for VAT purposes (if applicable) and the articles of incorporation, respectively the identity card for individuals – through the form or by email at
We will draft the application and submit the file for you to the General Directorate of Customs. You will receive the EORI code by e-mail in approximately 1-2 working days from the submission of the application and you will be able to start the import-export activity outside the EU immediately.
Once assigned, you will use the EORI number in all communications with the customs authorities of the Member States.
Invalidation of the EORI number
The invalidation of the EORI number can be done on request (the registered person no longer needs this code), or by the customs authority, if the registered person no longer carries out the activities that require registration. The registered person will receive a notification to this effect.